SQLite full search text USING fts5

Hi, i’m trying to implement a full search text using fts5 capabilities.
I’ve read the various tutorials and examples code.

(sorry if i don’t translate the part of the ‘italian’ code)

At the startup of the app i setup my virtual database:

Catch err as DatabaseException
MessageDialog.Show("Errore: " + err.Message)
End Try


App.DBVirtual.ExecuteSQL(“CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE cNotifiche USING fts5(ID, Pratica, Atto, Cronologico, Destinatario, Raccomandata, Giorno, Mese, Anno, Notificato, Duplicato);”)
Catch err As DatabaseException
MessageDialog.Show("Errore DB: " + err.Message)
App.DBVirtual.ExecuteSQL(“INSERT INTO cNotifiche SELECT ID, Pratica, Atto, Cronologico, Destinatario, Raccomandata, Giorno, Mese, Anno, Notificato, Duplicato FROM Notifiche;”)
Catch err As DatabaseException
MessageDialog.Show("Errore DB: " + err.Message)
End Try

First question: if i modify my Notifiche table (in my SQLite ‘real’ database) i should modify accordingly also the virtual one, is it correct ? executing that query, isn’t it ?

App.DBVirtual.ExecuteSQL(“INSERT INTO cNotifiche SELECT ID, Pratica, Atto, Cronologico, Destinatario, Raccomandata, Giorno, Mese, Anno, Notificato, Duplicato FROM Notifiche;”)

When i digit in txt5Cerca.text in its text change event i insert:

If txt5Cerca.text <> “” Then
end If

And here’s my method CercaArchivio:

Var rs As RowSet
Var sql As String = “SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH '” + txt5Cerca.Value + “';”
rs = App.DBVirtual.SelectSQL(sql)
Catch err As DatabaseException
MessageDialog.Show("Errore DB: " + err.Message)
End Try

// Loop through each row, one-by-one, and add it to the ListBox.
If rs <> Nil Then
For Each row As DatabaseRow In rs
ListaNotifiche.AddRow(row.Column(“ID”).StringValue, row.Column(“Pratica”).StringValue, row.Column(“Atto”).StringValue, _
row.Column(“Cronologico”).StringValue, row.Column(“Giorno”).StringValue + “/” + row.Column(“Mese”).StringValue + “/” + row.Column(“Anno”).StringValue, row.Column(“Destinatario”).StringValue, row.Column(“Raccomandata”).StringValue), _
row.Column(“Notificato”).StringValue, row.Column(“Duplicato”).StringValue
ListaNotifiche.RowTagAt(ListaNotifiche.LastAddedRowIndex) = row.Column(“ID”).IntegerValue

End If

Do you find some errors in that code ?
My ListaNotifiche not populates at all … stays always totally empty …

First try your query in an SQLEditor. As far as I can see you are missing the * around the match value. Here is my query for fts:

'prepare the prepared statement
dim PreparedForSearch as SQLPreparedStatementMBS = SQLiteIndexDBMBS.Prepare("SELECT docid FROM bodyindex WHERE messagebody MATCH ?") 
PreparedForSearch.BindType(0, PreparedForSearch.kTypeString)
SearchString = ReplaceAll(SearchString, """", """""")
dim data as RecordSet = PreparedForSearch.SQLSelectMT("'*'" + searchstring + "'*'")

If data <> Nil Then
  While Not data.EOF
    ResultIDs.AddRow data.Field("docid").StringValue
End If

Return ResultIDs

And a prepared statement is better than using the value directly.

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I’ve added the * and the query is now:

SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ‘a*’;

what’s wrong ?
I’ve for sure cell in the table with ‘a’ but the listbox is still empty

You need 2 stars and not one. And make sure that you use the correct type of apostrophes.

“SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH “’’" + ‘" + txt5Cerca.Value + "’ + "’’”;”

the query looks ok in an editor SQL, the apostrophes seems ok, but not works …

What does the error message look like?

You are using a mix of curly quotes and straight quotes. Zoom in and you’ll see.

Don’t use curly quotes.

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What should be the exact query to pass with double star as suggested by @Beatrix_Willius?

Var strCercaValue As String = "*" + txt5Cerca.Value + "*"


  rs = App.DBVirtual.SelectSQL(“SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ?”, strCercaValue)
Catch er As DatabaseError
End Try
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Thanks !

Var rs As RowSet
Var strCercaValue As String = “" + txt5Cerca.Value + "
rs = App.DBVirtual.SelectSQL(“SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ?”, strCercaValue)
Catch err As DatabaseException
MessageDialog.Show("Errore DB: " + err.Message)
End Try

// Loop through each row, one-by-one, and add it to the ListBox.
If rs <> Nil Then

For Each row As DatabaseRow In rs
ListaNotifiche.AddRow(row.Column(“ID”).StringValue, row.Column(“Pratica”).StringValue, row.Column(“Atto”).StringValue, _
row.Column(“Cronologico”).StringValue, row.Column(“Giorno”).StringValue + “/” + row.Column(“Mese”).StringValue + “/” + row.Column(“Anno”).StringValue, row.Column(“Destinatario”).StringValue, row.Column(“Raccomandata”).StringValue), _
row.Column(“Notificato”).StringValue, row.Column(“Duplicato”).StringValue
ListaNotifiche.RowTagAt(ListaNotifiche.LastAddedRowIndex) = row.Column(“ID”).IntegerValue
End If

Why i receive this error ?
The database DBVirtual was correctly created, has a public property

Because you are still working with curly quotes and even replaced the * with quotes… :confused:

No seems there’s something in the forum that changes the code when copy/paste… :weary:

But you’re right before SELECT i’ve the curly quotes !!!
Now fixed it but again not works:

My fault.

To search all fields which contain an a use:

// No need for Var strCercaValue As String = "*" + txt5Cerca.Value + "*" in this case
rs = App.DBVirtual.SelectSQL(“SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ?”, txt5Cerca.Value)

To search for fields starting with a use:

Var strCercaValue As String = txt5Cerca.Value + "*"
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Curly quotes are a really bad idea.

You are missing the field from cNotifiche in your SQL.

Just to understand: curly quotes are ‘created’ using OPTION 2 is it correct ?
@Sascha_S in either cases the search queries not givesresult.
At this point my bug/mistake is elsewhere … probably my virtualDB has no data correctly imported from my real database ?

I’ve inserted a msgbox here and it’s never reached …

For Each row As DatabaseRow In rs
msgbox “here”

And in fact i call this query:

rs = App.DBVirtual.SelectSQL(“SELECT * FROM cNotifiche”)
and no data is shown …

Sounds like you are working on macOS? I’m not at my Desk, but you can find a setting in the System Settings which will automatically replace all non curly quotes with curly quotes.

Yes i’m on Mac OS. Now that i replace all the curly quotes any idea on why i continue not to see anything in the listbox? The first part of the code (where create the virtual DB and import data from ‘real’ DB for you is it ok ?

I rarely use SQlite (mostly mySQL and MSSQL) and it’s hard to tell by just looking at the Code. Unfortunately i am very short in time these days and can’t perform tests with your Code. I’m really sorry.
But just by looking at your Code and assuming that you do not receive any error while creating the DB and inserting data into the DB, i’d say it looks good.

Maybe someone else can help us out here? :slight_smile:

Make me a simple example and I’ll have a look.

The SQLite docs seem to say that you must supply a match() function in order to use MATCH. I’ve not used FTS so don’t know the implications of this.