How do I sort the values of an array into an array that is ordered by the values? I’m guessing the best approach is by using dictionaries. Has anybody written a method or could guide me on how I can sort array items by how high the number is of one of its properties. Here is an example:
If I had a class with a property called Layer and I had this array before being processed by code:
Item1 { Layer: 0 }
Item2 { Layer: 3 }
Item3 { Layer: 5 }
Item4 { Layer: 2 }
Item5 { Layer: 2 }
After being processed, the final result is:
Item1 { Layer: 0 }
Item4 { Layer: 2 }
Item5 { Layer: 2 }
Item2 { Layer: 3 }
Item3 { Layer: 5 }
Notice how as you go down each item after it been processed by the desired code, each array item has a higher or identical number to previous. Also, they are in the same order as the original throughout the items with the same Layer number.
I use some generic routines for Strings/Integers/Doubles
[code]Sub SortClassArrayByStringValue(extends items() As Object, sortField As String)
Dim keys() As String
Dim typ As Introspection.TypeInfo
Dim prop, props() As Introspection.PropertyInfo
For each oItem As Object in items
typ = Introspection.GetType(oItem)
props = typ.GetProperties
for each prop in props
if prop.Name = sortField then
keys.Append prop.Value(oItem)
end if