Some days I HATE Microsoft

Were you using IE? Most MS sites fail when not using IE, but they’re always slow, will time out, and are slow (did I mention that). I deal with MS on a daily basis & I hate using IE - it’s slow (did I mention that?) and their sites are slow too. IE would have to be the most bloated browser available and their sites only really support IE to work properly.

[quote=187599:@Markus Winter]Please tell me you’re kidding?!

I knew some Windows versions had limitations (for example for networking) but this is insane!

P.S. After a little googling it seems that “Max memory for Home Premium is 16 GB. For Professional and Ultimate it’s 192 GB (64-bit Windows)”

Maybe the Ram was of the wrong specification?[/quote]

No joke at all. I research the RAM specs carefully and the correct RAM was purchased. As I said the BIOS recognised the extra RAM.

Prior to the failed attempt at installing the video driver, the Win 7 control panel recognises the 8GB of RAM on an x64 Ultimate install.


Stupid stupid me. By George, I think you have got it. I KNOW to use MSIE, but I think I forgot. I HATE MSIE.

As a long time Apple user.

-----------------L O V E this conversation!-----------------

[quote=187639:@Jim Smith]As a long time Apple user.

-----------------L O V E this conversation!-----------------[/quote]

Yes, well, Macintosh.

I started running System 7 under emulation on an Amiga. 68k was good. Then came PPC and I splashed out on two of them over time. Nice machines, slow, but they still ran the 68k code and all was good. Then a G3 ( beige flat thing ). Wonderful, even if the multitasking was flaky ( an Amiga could do it better off a floppy boot ).

Then came X. The first version sort of ran on the G3 but this thing was as buggy as a swamp. Apple in trouble, pleading for patience. Then the new versions required new hardware. OK, shell out for a G4 MDD, X getting stable, life OK. But for each thing you wanted to do, while Win had 30 choices, there were 3 on the Mac, all 3 very pretty but not nearly as functional as their Win equivalents. But pretty, did I mention that? Classic lasted for a while but somewhere during this 68k disappears ( comparatively ugly, admittedly ).

Then Intel. What? Must I dump yet another Mac and shell out again? The decent desktop machines in big crates are seriously expensive. Then PPC no longer supported. Forget that idea. On the development side, carbons and cocoas and who knows what else. Now dump everything and make it 64bit. Constant change - minimal migration path engineering. On Win 7 I still run programs from about 1998 daily: they look fine, they work fine, and the hardware is cheap.

I’ll stick with the dreaded Microsoft, who I hate. I used to love them, as they finally broke IBM’s dominance, and I retain gratitude for that.

No rumor
MS licenses required they be paid for every machine that went out the door regardless of whether it had windows installed or not
It basically made it too expensive to ship machines with any other OS as you would have to pay MS and the other OS vendor

We’re comparing apples & toyotas
Apple is, regardless of what they might want to tell everyone, a hardware company (still)
Software is one of the carrots they use to sell that hardware.
And they make a few bucks at it :slight_smile:

MS is a software company so it’s in their interest to make their software run on everything.
Not necessarily perfectly on everything - far too many options for that - but well enough.
They even started the WinHEC conferences years ago to get some leverage over hardware manufacturers & try to direct hardware in avenues they would support. (A great example is / was Intels proposed X86 64 path vs AMD’s - MS supported AMD’s and the rest is history)
Selling their software on every piece of hardware that runs Windows is their business model.

It’s not Apples. They support what they sell.

We often forget this different- Apple is a hardware company and MS isn’t.
And the companies themselves seem to as well.
Apple makes money on hardware so they can easily give away the OS and even some of their apps.
MS doesn’t make the same level of money on PC hardware sales(they make it on Windows licenses as they dont sell their own PC’s excepting the XBox).
So giving away Windows has a much bigger impact on their bottom line than it does Apples.

But there are a lot of people who look at Apple & MS & remark “Well Apple gives OS X away why doesn’t MS give away Windows?”
It puts pressure on MS

Xcode is a pretty darned good dev tool. As is VS.
Apple gives away Xcode. MS doesn’t give away any edition of VS that directly compares to Xcode. They do give away VS express and several other express editions but they aren’t the same as Xcode.

Again Apple makes no money on Xcode so its a free carrot to get devs to write for their hardware (iDevices, Macs, etc)
MS makes money (at least some) selling VS at the various levels along with access to MSDN and all the Windows versions.
Their price points for such membership is very different.

And there are lots of other differences.

But it does come down to where do they make their money.
Apple & MS are VERY different so comparing them has to take that into account or the comparison is flawed.

Viewed in that light its kind of easy to see why Apple doesn’t give a crap about backwards compatibility to the same extent MS does.
It works on the newest latest greatest hardware . Awesome ! Sells more of the newest latest & greatest.

Thats not MS focus. They want you to be able to run the same code forever because if you cant you just might move to something else. Something NOT MS. And that would hurt them.

At least thats the way I see it.

When Win10 updated a month ago openGL broke so anything 3D doesn’t work… it is a rubbish video card however but still any programing I do kinda needs on 3D application to test with!
My daughter Win8.1 laptop keeps rolling back updates, it took 3 hours last time to get the updates to work… no issues at all with Win7

[quote=187697:@nige cope]When Win10 updated a month ago openGL broke so anything 3D doesn’t work… it is a rubbish video card however but still any programing I do kinda needs on 3D application to test with!
My daughter Win8.1 laptop keeps rolling back updates, it took 3 hours last time to get the updates to work… no issues at all with Win7[/quote]

Confirmed, there is an issue with OpenGL. It is not limited to Xojo, though.


Chances are, the people who maintain OpenGL will make sure it works on Windows 10 when it is released.

[quote=187515:@Jon Ogden]Take two identical high end servers with identical hardware.

Install Windows server products on the first one. You’ll have countless issues that will take you some time to work through.

Now, Install the exact same products on the second machine (which is identical to the first). Now, you’ll have a completely different set of issues.

It never fails…[/quote]

Yes Microsoft. Means continues business… You will never be out of work as a Microsoft Sys admin LOL :slight_smile:

I built well over 100 Windows computers. Some were very low end, some were multi processor servers, most were general purpose desktops. I rarely had any issues with Windows per se. More often than not, issues were related to BIOS. A BIOS upgrade usually fixed the issues one would attribute to Windows. Then, there are the c.r.a.p.p.y drivers some third party vendors release. This is still not Windows per se that is failing.

I am not claiming Windows is perfect, far from it. But it is taking much of the flack that should rightfully be directed elsewhere.

I’m done. Let the bashing continue.

Wait, you’ve never run into a failed Windows update on an MS Exchange Server? That’s a wonderful experience every Windows admin should have. Getting into the weeds on how MS Exchange operates will really make you bang your head on the wall.

And I have no idea why the community of a cross-platform Development tool does it, but bash they do. But since we are all throwing out anecdotes to relieve our pain, my 2 year old $3000 Retina MBP has really bad screen burn-in ghosting problems that linger for about 20 minutes before dissipating.

Time to ignore this thread before the “my Ford is better than your GM” stupidities get the best of us…

Oh, those were the first two cars that I had. Opel Kadett (GM) & Ford Escort …
The Opel was better. :smiley: