Hi, I am using the “MBS Tools Plugin” to read a SmartCard. I was able to read the data in a file, but I would like to have a broader management of the situation, for example on the status of the reader. Looking at the SmartCardContextMBS class I notice that there are constants, but I don’t understand in which method I can read / set certain states. Something is missing? Or am I completely out of the way?
On SmartCardMBS class, you can call:
- method Status(byref Reader as string, byref State as Integer, byref Protocol as Integer, byref CardID as string)
- method Status(byref State as Integer, byref Protocol as Integer, byref CardID as string)
and then state of card can have bit kCardStatePresent set.
I had already verified that, but I was convinced that it referred to other properties, as, once the card is inserted (and correctly read), I get
and the result seems strange to me.