Slowdown with 2018r1


I have a benchmark code to check and compare evolution and differences between languages and versions, and I noticed a slowdown in 64bits release-compiled windows binary (have’nt checked 32bits yet) from 2017r3 to 2018r1.

The code is mostly this, where “number” is a window property and “n” the method argument (integer):

[code]For x = 1 To n
xx = xx
For y = x To n
yy = xx + y
For z = y To n
If yy = z*z Then
number = number + 1
result = result + “[”+Str(x)+","+Str(y)+","+Str(z)+"]"

Return result[/code]
Suboptimal algorithm and long string concatenation are intentional.
I’m not complaining the thing is slow, but that it got slower with the latest release… more than 20 times slower with n=500 (about 800ms vs 30, both compiled with aggressive otpimization level).

Any idea of the possible cause?
Thanks :slight_smile:

The compiler was upgraded to LLVM 6.

Thanks Greg, but IMHO that’s not an explanation by itself: Rust 1.25 also upgraded to LLVM 6 but none of my rust binaries got noticeably slower.

You are compiling into a standalone app, not running through the ide, right?

Yes Kem, standalone app (not debug) exactly as I did before when we had no other choice on Windows.

Interesting. I have a copy of my M_Crypto app compiled with some older version of Xojo and when I compare the results of the stress test on Scrypt (an intentionally slow algorithm), the results are within a second of each other at around 21s.

Oh, you said Windows and I missed it. My test was on the Mac.

Is this in a desktop app or command line? Assuming the former, what happens if you try the latter?

Yes Kem, it’s a (Windows) desktop app.
Sadly I can’t check the command line, as I don’t have a Pro licence.
(I only purchased a Lite/Windows to evaluate the product)

The CL project is here if someone want to give it a try, or send me a compiled executable from both Xojo versions.

Thank you already to Greg and Kem for their kindness and willingness to help.

Try the following pragma before the code, you’ll get a lot closer to the 2017r3 numbers:

#Pragma BackgroundTasks False

Thanks a lot Greg, but no luck here… I already had this pragma (and a few others) set on both compilers.

#If Not DebugBuild #Pragma BackgroundTasks False #Pragma BoundsChecking False #Pragma AutoWaitCursor False #Pragma StackOverflowchecking False #Pragma NilObjectChecking False #EndIf

So, nobody else on Windows noticed a slowdown of 64bit binaries from 2017r3 to 2018r1?

Could it be posible that some part of the new debug code just released for W64 is left in the binary even when debug is not checked?

It should be faster regarding pure maths, string handling, … because of LLVM6. If I am not mistaken there was someone who posted benchmarks that showed it was much faster.

Regarding drawing speed, Windows builds are now very very slow compared to 2017R3. The flickering fix has a huge side effect on this. The mean reason why I do not build with 2018R1 for Windows.

[quote=383741:@Renaud GOMBERT WEBPORTAGE]Thanks a lot Greg, but no luck here… I already had this pragma (and a few others) set on both compilers.

#If Not DebugBuild #Pragma BackgroundTasks False #Pragma BoundsChecking False #Pragma AutoWaitCursor False #Pragma StackOverflowchecking False #Pragma NilObjectChecking False #EndIf[/quote]
And they’re set in the method where you’re having trouble?

Found de benchmark:
It seems only string manipulation is faster.


Math (long integer) , 2000.0
Math (double precision) , 1355.0
Math (transcendental) , 1076.6
Math (scientific mix) , 1236.0
Math (composite score) , 1416.9

String Manipulation , 6176.8
Graphics (mixed) , 4876.0
Disk Read/Write , 885.6
Composite Benchmark , 2973.2

2018R1: (taken from one of the beta versions)

Math (long integer) , 2000.0
Math (double precision) , 1299.9
Math (transcendental) , 1076.8
Math (scientific mix) , 1235.4
Math (composite score) , 1403.0

String Manipulation , 7566.9
Graphics (mixed) , 5122.3
Disk Read/Write , 818.4
Composite Benchmark , 3335.8

Yes the pragmas are in the “slower” method itself. But it’s not really relevant, since I run the same code anyway.

Timings are strange (here for n=500) :

2017r3 32bits debug : about 3-4 seconds
2017r3 32bits release : about 1-2 seconds
2017r3 64bits debug : N/A
2017r3 64bits release : about 0.04 seconds

2018r1 32bits debug : about 7-8 seconds
2018r1 32bits release : about 1-2 seconds
2018r1 64bits debug : about 7-8 seconds
2018r1 64bits release : about 0.8 seconds

The “same” code writen in Rust (also using LLVM6) is run in about 30-40ms, the same time as the 2017r3 binary.

Now that I purchased a Pro license I can test the command line version as well, and the result is the same.
The same code takes either 30-40ms or ~900ms depending on the release (both 64bits, Windows, aggessive optimizations).

Same project, same OS, created and run with 2018r1 is way faster than run on 2015r1, same laptop.

The project load images and put them in a PDF on El Capitan…

Go figure.

PS: on my first run under 2015r1 I said… why is it so slow ?