Signed App Issue

Never understood this one… Codesigning on iOS is integrated but on MacOS it’s not?

Yeah. I know. I think it comes down to necessity. In IOS, you can’t run or have an app without it being signed. In MacOS you can - you just get the obnoxious warnings.

So Xojo went the way of letting a third party do the signing work. Sure it costs be an extra $40 a year but I guess it’s worth it. At the very least though signing should never interfere with built-in functions of the framework. I understand sort-of why Sam does what he does but it seems like that breaks some sort of unwritten rule. I mean you are messing with a value that the Framework returns internally. Seems like a no-no. Obviously this doesn’t happen for iOS so in my
mind there has to be a way Xojo and Sam can work together to fix this.

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I realize the version number re-formatting has caused you pain and I am sorry for this. It has been a problem since the App Store enforced this rule. I will continue working to improve this situation. Whichever solution you choose in AW has to modify the application plist to meet Apple’s rules which breaks the built-in functions for Xojo.

I would be more than happy to work with Xojo on providing a solution that reduces hassle or complication.