Should "Collect Project Items..." be including the entirety of the Plugins folder in the Project?

I didn’t say it was easy, but it does help Xojo track down your bug faster.

Do you know about my free plugin management tool called Plugins Pro? It’s not the best at using multiple IDEs, but you could make plugin sets by project to help. If you do juggle IDE versions like I do, I can teach you a trick for it.

And there’s the rub that takes us back to my original question/comment - I want to collect items to simply neaten a project 99 out of 100 times.

But deleting the plugins folder is an easy thing to do. Look, the whole idea of the Collect Project feature was to be able to bring all the pieces together that the currently open project uses into a single place so you can give it to someone else.

If you just want a quick cleanup without all of the dependencies merged in, I suggest using Save As.

Yes - but how does that help with a single version of the Xojo IDE and 8+ active projects that use many different plugins (mine, MBS, Einhugur, Bob Delany …)?

But - the resulting collection is too big for the ticket system

That won’t bring the randomly located PNG files into the Pictures folder.

You could make a plugin set for each project instead of by vendor like in the website screenshot. Here’s a screenshot of my current actual setup that might help illustrate what I mean.

You can switch active plugins depending on your project with the checkboxes in the Plugin Sets list on the left.

(I’m just trying to help, if you’re not looking for this I can buttout)

Thinking about this more, there should be 3 options:

Collection for Cleanup
Move all non-external project items into the project resetting the path elements
Leave external items as external

Collection for archive
Move ALL project items into the project resetting the path and external assignments

Collection for review submission
Move ALL project items into the project resetting the path and external assignments
Analyze the project for required plugins and include them

No, that’s excellent input. Thanks.

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Yeah, the IDE has no way to do that. You’ll still need to isolate them yourself.

Than how does the compiler handle it? Maybe use the Analysis engine?

Oh I get what you’re saying, but then you’d need to compile the app just to save it? Personally I think that’s overkill especially when there are projects out there that take more than a few minutes to compile even in Default mode.

Look, I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, just how it currently works based on the last time I touched that code which was over a year ago.

Excellent, now you’re up to date on what I’m looking for/expecting. I’ll submit a feature request to take this further.

Which is nice but since I don’t work at Xojo anymore, my understanding is useless.

Definitely not - if you get it, then I’ve stated my case properly and that leads to a better feature request :slight_smile:

Feature Request submitted

New Collect Project Items Request