Shell Authorization


I’m on macOS and I use xojo 2020r2.1

I execute with a xojo shell a command where I execute an executable unix.

This executable unix try and fail to create a file in my Home directory. I think it havn’t the rigth to do it, but if I execute the command directly in the terminal there is no problem, the file is created in my Home directory.

And of course I can’t specifiy an other path to create this file.

The command :

/Applications/8sens\ sybase/SetupSyb/System/bin64/dbunload -ar -bp -l -c “UID=DBA;PWD=****;DBF=/Applications/8sens sybase/Databases/Demov8.db”

Is there a way to “reproduce” the comportement of the normal shell in the xojo shell ?

Thanks in advance.

You can try AuthorizationMBS class in MBS Xojo Plugins or use AppleScript.

I notice that you escape the space in the executable path, but not in the DBF path. That might be a problem.

With the AuthorizationMBS, I make it work.

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