Can anybody steer me toward some documentation or examples of Sqlite database sharing between users of the same App? i.e iPhone to iPad etc. Right now my App requires iTunes to do that. I would like to do it with email, text or a sharing panel and have the receiving App replace the the old db with the new db after user confirmation. I don’t need a multiple user client/ server setup. This would be within family sharing users so that if one user adds or revises data it can be forwarded to update another user.
Thanks in advance.
SQLite is local database. No sharing.
If you like to move data, you may need a ServerSocket on one side and regular sockets on other side.
Look for the examples coming with Xojo to learn how to use ServerSocket.
Well, you have to put a custom extension to the database file, then your app must register itself to open that extension. That way you can send the file from any source like mail and open it directly.
I have done this in another tool, not sure if it can be done with Xojo
Thanks Christian, will do. I gave that a look this morning and it may be a possibility. I’m trying to narrow it down before I write some test Apps.
Checked your link Ivan. Thank you. That also looks like an avenue to explore. I know that registering a specific file type and App Icon is possible in MacOS but haven’t seen that for iOS. I’ll play with the plist in a test app and see what happens.