On MY Windows 8.1 laptop, I just tested an application who holds (in App.Open Event):
#If TargetCocoa
EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "BACKSPACE" // Chr(8)
EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "DELETE" // Chr(127)
Thank you to the original code poster.
But, this does not enable the key that is known under the name Delete
key (the key that delete the character at the left of the cursor in a Text Editor, the Key have a left arrow on its caps <), but instead the other one (Supp.
in French: the key that delete the character at the right of the cursor in a Text editor).
So, to be able to get an action in the large Delete key, I had to use:
EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "BACKSPACE"
To the Linux gurus:
What is the situation on Linux ?
In fact, I think that I will delete those lines and simply add “Backspace
” in the MenuEditor for the EditClear MenuItem.
After this finding, I can say:
Delete: the small key (top-right key in MY Akoya laptop)
Backspace: the large key usually called Delete
, the key with a left arrow (<)
Same situation on OS X and Windows.
Warning: in the Menu Editor, Windows display (running OS X IDE), for Backspace
, I get beside the Delete key: Ctrl+Bsp (no, its an error, the MenuModifier is set to true each time one set something in the Key field).
OS X Keyboard shortcut: the delete key logo
Windows Keyboard shortcut: Bsp
Working environment:
Xojo 2014r4
Yosemite 10.10.4 (pb)
Windows 8.1 current