This is the dataAvailable from an app. The app allows me to control the mouse on the screen for other applications with a remote button device via USB. When the xojo app is in front, I cannot get an error. When the xojo app is behind the app I am controlling, after some random amount of data input, the xojo app stops controlling the front application. If I click back on the xojo app and then back on the application I am controlling, things start working correctly.
An observation I made is that if I put a text pane on my xojo app that shows the single byte received remotely via the serial port, the text pane will show a single byte of received data per USB data input.
RxDataE.text = str(RxData)
But when the problem occurs, I can look at the RxDataE text pane and see a lot of values from the button input received from USB. There should not be allowed more than 1 byte displayed. Maybe I am not receiving the data correctly from serial?
Any suggestions appreciated.
[code] RxData=Me.ReadAll
p=new PresskeyMBS
Select Case val(rxData)
RxDataE.text = str(RxData) // see what button is being pressed and sent to the app via USB.
case 0
case 1
//Move Mouse to position in MousePosX text pane and MousePosY text pane
call RemoteControlMBS.MacMoveMouse(val(MousePosXtext.text),val(MousePosYtext.text))
MousePosOldX = val(MousePosXtext.text ) //update the Old position for future reference
MousePosOldY = val(MousePosYtext.text)
case 2
// Capture the current mouse position
mouseXval.text = str(RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionX)
mouseYval.text = str(RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionY)
MousePosOldX = val(mouseXval.text )
MousePosOldY = val(mouseYval.text )
case 3
dim x,y as integer
dim c as PresskeyMBS
c=new PresskeyMBS
case 4
case 5
case 6
//Move Mouse UP by mouse move value
call RemoteControlMBS.MacMoveMouse(MousePosOldX - (val(MousePlusXtext.text)), MousePosOldY - val(MousePlusYtext.text))
MousePosOldX = (RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionX)
MousePosOldY = (RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionY)
case 7
case 8
case 9
//Move Mouse DOWN by mouse move value
call RemoteControlMBS.MacMoveMouse(MousePosOldX + (val(MousePlusXtext.text)), MousePosOldY + val(MousePlusYtext.text))
MousePosOldX = (RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionX)
MousePosOldY = (RemoteControlMBS.MacMousePositionY)
case 11 'keypad minus
case 12 'keypad plus
End Select
Serial1.Flush ( )