SelectSQL issues

Exception handling is measurably slower than checking error codes
I wrote a blog post about this
Its meant to be used when things are exceptional, things you didnt expect might occur like nil object or a file cant be opened that exists, not as a general purpose error handling mechanism

I kind of worry that the “default” things people wil resort to is a single try catch surrounding all the code in every method “just to handle every error” or the single “exception” at the bottom of the method to catch every error
Java ran into this early on and it made for some really awful code

about error handling
i like this way simplified with a boolean result

if db.Open()=True then if db.Query("select * ...",Recordset)=True Then ... endif db.Close else Message "can't open database" ShowErrorList endif
if a method catch a error it put it into a list and you can show this list when you want.
at vb6 i wrapped much of ms methods this way because you can’t use a single method without surrounding error handling.

btw can xojo editor hide this try catch surroundings?