46296 - selectColor returns a different color that it shows
Michel Bujardet Today at 10:05 AM
OS: OS X 10.12.2
Xojo: Xojo 2016r4.1
Steps: Run the attached project. It is extremely simple, just showing the result of selectColor.
1 - Click the sliders, and enter a color. Press OK. The very same color as what is displayed in the lower right side appears in the messages pane, as expected.
2 - Chose the preselected color (Apple), select one.
3 - Go back to sliders. The value is displayed Hex. Click OK. It shows the same value in the message pane.
4 - Select the Crayolas. Chose a color. Go back to sliders, note the color, click OK. Message pane displays the same.
5 - Select the spectrum. Chose a color, go back to sliders, note the color, click OK. Message pane shows something entirely different.
6 - go back to preselected, crayolas, do it again. The color reported is identical to that chosen.
7 - Go to the wheel, select a color, go back to slider, note the color and click OK. The value reported is not the same as displayed.
Now all colors are broken. Crayola, preselected or slider, all report different colors than displayed.
The bug is apparently not recent. It manifests since 2013R1.
File attached: selectcolor.xojo_binary_project.zip