Secure cookie details

I have a web app which I would like to use secure cookies for.

Unfortunately, I do not know some of the following pieces of information:-
Under Xojo Cloud, what is app.cookieDomain ?
cookiePath ?

Right now, my insecure cookies work OK. :slight_smile: but secure is preferable.
Tony Barry

if debugBuild then Session.Cookies.Set(app.cookieTitle, password, expiryDate) else Session.Cookies.Set(app.cookieTitle, password, expiryDate, app.cookieDomain, cookiePath, secureCookie, httpOnlyCookie) end if

OK. Found it. If I leave both app.cookieDomain and cookiePath as empty strings, it works.

Also note the autoComplete shows httpOnly, but the online LR does not.

Tony Barry

[quote=205872:@Tony Barry]OK. Found it. If I leave both app.cookieDomain and cookiePath as empty strings, it works.

Also note the autoComplete shows httpOnly, but the online LR does not.

Tony Barry
Please file a bug report in Feedback about that.

Already done. Case 40362.

Thank you Greg.

By the way, Case 6490 (scrolling stutters in the code editor) still happens for me … all the time.

I have added new info, but the case is marked as fixed … how do I reactivate this ?

Tony Barry

You’d be better off to create a new case. If it’s marked fixed, the original circumstances were solved.