SaaS Wordpress, Optimizepress and REST API

I am studying the possibility of creating a desktop app as a service (SaaS) and using Wordpress associated with Optimizepress and/or JSON REST API to control the app usage:

  1. I think it would be a good idea as I could manage the payment and subscription automatically with Wordpress and plugins. When the user stops paying membership automatically canceled.
  2. I don’t know yet if it is feasible, although it seems. I need to Oauth it, and then retrieve the member info. But could I add computer serial number, so that the app would run only on one computer? I don’t know yet. Is there a plugin to help with that?
  3. It would integrate a web page to sell the app with many professional plugins to help that
  4. The user could access its membership page in Wordpress, and check info, maybe delete an old computer serial to allow app install in another computer.

Has anyone already done that?
Any comments?
Is it a good idea or there are better and easier ways to setup a full solution for SaaS?


Ol Alexandre,

Talvez voc tenha um motivo muito bom para querer criar um aplicativo Saas em Desktop, ao invs de uma app web. Se no tem nada especfico, aconselho a criar um aplicativo web. Voc elimina de cara toda a dor de cabea relacionada a proteo contra pirataria, e tambm com atualizaes futuras, j que poder atualizar apenas em um local, e todos os usurios passam a acessar a ltima verso.

Por ltimo, quanto a cobrana, principalmente se for recorrente, ns usamos a Vindi (, que cuida de toda a cobrana, controle de assinaturas, e comunica nosso aplicativo o que nos interessa, atravs de webhooks, com dados em jSon.


Hi Alexandre,

Maybe you have a very good reason for wanting to create a Saas application on Desktop, rather than a web app. If you do not have anything specific, I advise you to create a web application. You eliminate all the headaches related to protection against piracy, as well as with future updates, as you may update only in one place, and all users start to access the latest version.

Finally, as regards the billing, especially if recurrent, we use Vindi (, which handles all of the payment process, control signatures and communicating our application what interests us through webhooks, with data in JSON.


Hi Adelar,
Feel good to see I am not the only Brazilian here.
Didn’t know the vindi service, I will study it. It may solve my problem, but won’t be a solution for others. My app needs to be on Desktop. Have you created a web app using Xojo? and made it SaaS? Can you show it?

Hi Alexandre,

No, you are not the only one… We have a channel, for portuguese language, that you can see here:

We need attract more people for the “Xojo force side”, hehe. We need more posts on that channel.

But, answering your question, yes, i have made some Xojo web apps, but only for private clients, not as Saas applications. I have made much more desktop apps with Xojo.

Recently, we have lauched a Saas application (, but it’s been made on another platform. The version 2, we want to build in Xojo Web. But, for that, I need learn more about load balance, because I’m not confident yet about that.

If you need some help about Vindi, or another questions, may be I can help you.

If you prefer, you can change this conversation to portuguese channel.
