09:05:07.198: Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module” Runtime Error Please report what caused this error along with the information below. Common/plugin.cpp: 957 Failure Condition: pluginEntryTable.GetEntry( entrypointName, out ) can’t find plugin method
On Windows, you get this very same error (pluginEntryTable, BevelButton.DeleteAllRows) if the .dll’s are not in the Libs folder next to the executable… Maybe the same cause and therefore similar errormessage on Linux?
Christian, are you using 2018 R1.1 and is this 32 or 64 bit?
It’s more complicated than that - on Windows at least the rules seem to be changing (see <https://xojo.com/issue/51020>) which was closed as “By Design” but I don’t think I really understand the new rules.
I’m not sure if this is relevant to Linux or not?
Under Xojo 2014 R2.1, with a 32 bit build, both framework and plugins DLLs can be in one of 3 locations:
a folder named “MyApp Libs”
a folder named “Libs”
in the same folder with the EXE file.
Under Xojo 2017 R3, with a 32 bit build, framework DLLs can be in one of 3 locations:
a folder named “MyApp Libs”
a folder named “Libs”
in the same folder with the EXE file.
But Plugin DLLs can only be in one of two locations:
a folder named “MyApp Libs”
a folder named “Libs”
(Putting Plugins DLLs in the same folder with the EXE file no longer works.)
Under Xojo 2017R3 with a x64 build, the rules are even tighter:
Framework DLLs must be in the same folder as the EXE
Plugin DLLs can only be in one of two locations:
a folder named “MyApp Libs”
a folder named “Libs”
(Putting Plugins DLLs in the same folder with the EXE file does not work.)
Is this resolved? I have the same problem on a Raspberry PI:
By the way, a Xojo app looks for the libs int the ‘shared libraries’ by default. These libraries are default located in /usr/lib (at least in the latest 64-bit version of Raspberry OS (latest name for raspbian)