I’m running Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS in my VMWare virtual machine and some of my xojo mbs example cannot run. It pops up a window showing msg like “Compilation of “USB device linux” failed”
and “an error occurred when attempting to launch the application. This can be a result of missing required 32 bit libraries.”
My understanding is sudo apt-get update only fetches the list of latest updates. To actually get the upgrades you also will need to run in the terminal:
[quote=422526:@Eric Wilson]My understanding is sudo apt-get update only fetches the list of latest updates. To actually get the upgrades you also will need to run in the terminal:
sudo apt-get upgrade
Upgrade will also move you between major versions. 18.x to 19.x for instance. Update should get you the new items for your currently installed major version only (18.1 to 18.2 for example).
I also suspect that behavior is different for Long Term Support (LTS) versions.