Why is it that XOJO seems to not allow any browser standard right click menu to appear?
I am looking at what others have voiced a need for is putting things in the clipboard. Well if you put a chuck of data in a text field and then select it all with a bit of Javascript why will the right click menu normally provided by the OS do nothing? It also does nothing when no characters are highlighted and the field is empty or has no focus.
On OSX Command-C does copy the highlighted and selected field to the clipboard and I assume in Windows Control-C will do the same. If I cannot right click this might be a decent work around.
maybe fill feedback cases with feature requests?
It would be nice if there was the options to use standard browser menus if you don’t style the menu.
Absolutely… I don’t see where this is available yet? If a Windows user copies something from notepad…say…an IP address and wants to paste it into a corresponding field in a XOJO Web App…right click does not bring up the client browser side menu… though the keyboard shortcuts do work. You can copy and paste using +C and +V – but all other web pages permit the standard right click menu. Seems like there ought to be a way to allow it to do it’s job. I’m guessing the right click is being intercepted by the XOJO “application” – which is actually very handy in many instances. I’d just like to be able to allow the standard browser app contestural menu to do the same job as the working keyboard shortcuts.