RESTful with Luna example

Since Luna is a recent addition and the project is built in 2016r1.

Would this be considered the base version. As the 2015r3.1 is returning the following in the jsonData
{“Code”:“404”,“Message”:“Unsupported API Version, Entity, and\/or Method”,“Description”:""}

This is on a Windows 10 environment with MySQL > Stand alone web app > Stand alone desktop app. Given the example in the Luna zip, on the Contacts table.

Would any be able to confirm if this is a version issue or just plain user experience.

[quote=262665:@Kevin Pattison]As the 2015r3.1 is returning the following in the jsonData
{“Code”:“404”,“Message”:“Unsupported API Version, Entity, and\/or Method”,“Description”:""}[/quote]
How did you generate this error?
What action did you take?

Are you supplying the version number in your url? Luna requires a version number like \v1\ or \v2\ in the url so you can version your api calls.

Note: Title changed as Xojo base version is not a consideration in regard to Luna given the solution involved neither.

I ran the desktop application normally and had the Luna app running as a console on port 8080 for debug as defined in the code.

I am presenting url as defined in the Luna recommendations. So, just as you mention.

Thank you for the responses and offer of help. This is appreciated.

The example works perfectly fine in 2015r3.1 to confirm as the tests have run successfully. The issue has been traced to rights in the DB being outside of the applications responsibilities and is chalked up to the learning experience.