resized event and orientation

As far as I can tell iosView is the only iosControl that contains the resized event, that would allow you to trigger a re-positioning of controls (i.e. beyond the regular repositioning included within AutoLayout). That being the case, how would you go about re-positioning controls, say within an iosTable’s customCell, when the device has its orientation changed?

Would you have to manually push the resized event down into all controls and do similar for all rows in a table or is there an easier way?

Isn’t that what AutoLayout is supposed to be all about? That properly defined contrainsts take care of all the for you?
Of course the key phrase is “properly defined”

Yes but, as I tried to indicate auto layout won’t cut it for me, for example in portrait mode I want some items above each other, whereas in landscape I want them side by side.

LOL… I know… in a way I was being fastious … personally I HATE AL… I have written dozens of iOS applications, (in Swift) and not once have I used Autolayout, and not once have I used Interface Builder… And they behave exactly how I want them too, on ALL devices. Unfortunatly this seems to be difficult/impossible to do in Xojo since Left/Top etc are Readonly properties (gee, let AL do the work, and these properties will tellyou what AL did… but not the other way around)… And AL doesn’t do much in the way of font sizes either…

Everything you can achieve by setting TOP & left is doable using autolayout
Its just a constraint with the constant set to a specific value
And THAT you can change at runtime

[quote=293228:@James Pitchford]Dave,
Yes but, as I tried to indicate auto layout won’t cut it for me, for example in portrait mode I want some items above each other, whereas in landscape I want them side by side.[/quote]
you can activate & deactivate constraints based on orientation etc
or swap out constraints to move controls around

a sensible place to do that is at the level of the view

Let me try a specific example to see if I can understand:
2 canvases sitting inside a customCell for a table - cnv1 and cnv2

In portrait I want:
cnv1.left = parent.left
cnv2.left = parent.left = = cnv1.bottom
cnv1.width = parent.width
cnv2.width = parent.width
cnv1.height = 40
cnv2.height = parent.height - cnv1.height

in landscape I want
i.e. = =
cnv1.left = parent.left
cnv2.left = cnv1.right
cnv1.width = 100
cnv2.width = parent.width - cnv1.width
cnv1.height = parent.height
cnv2.height = parent.height

How would I achieve that with AutoLayout or iosLayoutConstraints?
There is no resized event inside the customCell so I would have to manually trigger a set of constraints for each cell in the table triggered by resized in the containing iosView.
Is there another way? How can I [quote]activate & deactivate constraints based on orientation etc[/quote] ??

dont try to alter rules - they’re immutable at runtime except for the offset
but you CAN define lots of rules in the IDE & activate or deactivate them as needed so you could have a “portrait set” and a “landscape set”
or you can remove rules & add new ones in their place but this can be a big chunk of work

I’ll have to think about the other bit … I’m just waiting for code to compile while penning this so I havent spent much time really thinking about this

In my first iOS app, I have switched visibility between controls. I have also used view switching : one view for Portrait, one view for Landscape. easier IMHO.

Well, it was a tad complicated but I succeeded in the end.
I used the boolean to turn off and on the constraints (16 of them for 2 objects - could really do with visibility of their name in the IDE without having to open the constraint edit dialog - reported on Feedback).
I also passed the view.resized event down into all the tableCells - but had to create a dictionary of custom cells so that I could refer back to them as doesn’t seem to be a direct way from within the iosTable.
Also discovered that Open and Close events in the custom cell don’t fire - reported on Feedback.