Request from Xojo Community to Include WFS in Declares Book

Hello Everyone,

I am sending this request out to the Xojo community to ask for your permission to include the 32-bit Windows Functionality Suite (WFS) declares into my book ‘I Wish I Knew How To…Implement Win32 Declares on Xojo on Windows’.

There is a great deal of good information in the WFS and I have been asked over the years to develop examples for some of these declares. My intent would be to slowly create example Xojo programs for these declares. This is a great resource and I don’t want this information to be forgotten, and my heart is with the Windows OS, so this type of information is helpful to future programmers who convert from Visual Basic to Xojo

With the positive changes in Xojo moving to 64-bit, some of these 32-bit declares may be outdated. The WIndows Functionality Suite will continue to exist, and the book will help provide options to programmers whom are new to Xojo. I will reference the current contributors in the book to recognize their effort.

I am continuously receiving requests for creating declares to help with Xojo’s programmers projects, and I have been including these example projects in updated versions of the book.

Although the copyright information says that I am free to use this information, I just want to see if this was OK with the community first.

Thanks for your thoughts.

[quote=299243:@Eugene Dakin]Although the copyright information says that I am free to use this information, I just want to see if this was OK with the community first.

Thanks for your thoughts.[/quote]

The primary author of the WFS was Aaron Ballman… You might just email him and ask.

In any case I doubt anyone would have an issue with it…

  • Karen

Ah yes, I’ll email him and update this post with his answer.

Thanks Karen!

Aaron sold the rights to the Association of REALbasic Professionals (ARBP). That organization is no longer a legal entity and has since made it open source. I’m pretty sure you can use it for whatever you want.

One word of caution though with WFS. It is not 64 bit compatible. It will ONLY work with 32 bit applications.

Indeed, out of the box, WFS is 32 bit only.

Fortunately, Windows is much easier to work with in 64 bit than macOS. Most calls have remained exactly the same between 32 and 64, so most of the time simply replacing Integer by Uint32 will do the trick.

I did not try a global replace, but it is possible it works. Or at least get close enough to require only minor tweaking.

I just received an email from Aaron and he is good with it. Its a nice gesture to know what is happening with an old project that he started.

Should I make a reference to the ARBP, or does someone have a list of the names that I can include? There is a list of contributor names at WFS Github. I am not sure if the contributors and ARBP members are the same.

Thanks for mentioning the the 32-bit declares. I agree with Michel, many of the declares can be converted fairly easily to 64-bit versions on Windows. There are always those few declares which are a nightmare to convert though :slight_smile:

Share a 64 Bits version of WFS as compensation ?

That’s a good idea Emile. I should be able to work out something.