Report from virtual table (FTS4) not works properly?

Hi, the 0, 1, 2 SelectedSegmentIndex queries work properly (with real table Notifiche), the latter 3 (coming from a virtual table cNotifiche) passes only field numbers in report and not the other strings value (putting 0 in all the rest of the fields of the report).
The database is the same.
The data are correctly saved into cNotifiche.
The query (3) works ok when add the data in a listbox, why then with the report not works properly ?
Any idea on why it not works ?

Var sql as String
Var rows As RowSet

If SBMostra.SelectedSegmentIndex = 0 then
sql = “SELECT * FROM Notifiche”
rows = DB.SelectSQL (sql)
End If

If SBMostra.SelectedSegmentIndex = 1 then
sql = “SELECT * FROM Notifiche WHERE Notificato = ‘NO’ ;”
rows = DB.SelectSQL (sql)
End If

If SBMostra.SelectedSegmentIndex = 2 then
sql = “SELECT * FROM Notifiche WHERE Notificato = ‘SI’ ;”
rows = DB.SelectSQL (sql)
End If

If SBMostra.SelectedSegmentIndex = 3 then

If rbParolaEsattaSI.value = true then
sql = “SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ?”
rows = DB.SelectSQL (sql, txt5Cerca.text)
End If

If rbParolaEsattaNO.value = true then
sql = “SELECT * FROM cNotifiche WHERE cNotifiche MATCH ?”
rows = DB.SelectSQL (sql, txt5Cerca.text + “*”)
End If

End If

Dim rpt As New repArchivio
Dim ps As New PrinterSetup
dim info as new NSPrintInfoMBS(ps.SetupString)
dim printers() as string = NSPrinterMBS.printerNames
dim printer as NSPrinterMBS = NSPrinterMBS.printerWithName(“SHARP”)
info.printer = printer
ps.SetupString = info.SetupString
Dim g As Graphics
g = ps.ShowPrinterDialog
If g <> Nil Then
If rpt.Run(rows, ps) Then
End If
End If

Just a guess, but perhaps your FTS table query should list the specific column names (and use AS to rename them if they don’t exactly match what the report expects).

Paul please may you elaborate a little bit (if not ask too much explaining with an example code) ?
As said the records are found correctly when use the SAME query and insert the data FOUND in a listbox.
In the report the same query not gives the same result: the record is found but only numbers (of the table’s fields) are inserted into the report while the other fields of the same found record (row) are passed as zero.

I can’t give you sample code since I don’t know your table/database structure. I’m just guessing that querying a FTS table with SELECT * might not be producing the same results that you think it is. So perhaps using SELECT col1 As Col1Name, col2 As Col2Name, etc. might be worth a try.

Another option would be to wrap the FTS query in a VIEW and use that with the report.