maybe this is a misunderstanding in how replace works, but why is this code:
dim source as string = "916 099 259&0&"
dim result as string
result= source.Replace(source.NthField("&",2),"new")
916 new99 259&0&
916 099 259&new&
i am replacing source.NthField("&",2) which is 0 with “new”, or not?
The first parameter of Replace is the text you want to replace. You’re telling it to replace “0” with “new”. The first occurrence of 0 is the 099.
Try breaking your statements into multiple lines to make debugging easier.
I avoid nthfield in general.
If you’re trying to replace &0&
with &new&
you should be more specific with your replace statement. If you’re trying to do anything else, I don’t have enough information to help.
What you are getting is correct.
As per answers above …
source.NthField("&",2) when source = “916 099 259&0&”
gives “0” (ie: the second “0” in source, Nth field starts indexes at 1)
Then, the replace searches and replaces “0” with new, which gives
916 new99 259&0&
(Don’t forget, replace just searches the FIRST occurrence it comes across in the whole string. If you did ReplaceAll instead, you would get
916 new99 259&new&
To get what your expected is, you are going to have to devise search and replace for 2nd occurrence only …
I got it
source.NthField("&",2) is 0 and I am replacing this “0” (first occurrence)…
Thanks !
Split the source on &
Change the second element of the Array you got as a result
Then Join them back together
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