Remote Job Opportunity for Experienced Xojo Developer

Hi. I’m Dan. The creator of Xojo 2019 Award-Winning creative writing software Script Studio for penning movie scripts, stage plays and novels.

I’m looking for an experienced developer for an extensive project that involves both Mac and Windows targets, iOS (maybe Android) and possible cloud integration.

If you’re interested please message me because I won’t be posting any further details or response to any questions here.

If you’re registered with Upwork (through which I will be managing the job) please include your profile link in your message and we can continue the conversation there.

If you’re great at iOS but not at desktop this is not a problem because I may well split the project up between developers if necessary.

Please include:

  • A brief bio including any professional/academic qualifications

  • Your experience level with Xojo and any other languages and frameworks (desktop or web)

  • What kind of projects you have worked on and what kind of projects you like

  • Your typical hourly freelancer rate

  • Whether you work full-time in development for a company or full-time freelance

  • Anything else of relevance

Update: Just realised there doesn’t seem to be an internal messaging system here so if that is the case please use my contact form instead.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!



Your contact form continues to say this every time I submit:

**Error!**The server could not be contacted and your message has not been sent. Please check your internet connection and try again or try later.

I have sent you a DM here on the forum instead. I provided several links, so I wasn’t sure if your anti-spam systems were upset about those. I would also be happy to send it to you directly by email should you desire that method, please let me know.

Hi Tim. Contact form message received ok - thanks. I will get back to you. Error must have just been a temporary network time out. Couldn’t work out how you send a DM here though (other than replying to one) unless I’m missing something? I click on the user’s name but no pop up or icon displays there on on their profile.

Click on Tim’s image by his post.

Edit: Avartar ! is the word I was looking for.

You can also do so from someone’s profile page. If they have the privacy setting to allow you to do so, there’s a Message button in the top right corner of the page.

Whether you can use these buttons is up to the receiver. If someone has the setting to hide the button you can also start a new empty message and select the person as a target.

As long as you received my message, it’s all good! You are welcome to get back to me any way you prefer. I linked my website which has my direct email if that’s best for you. (I do not have UpWork unfortunately)

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