Hi all,
this is my last conversation on the same problem: ths use of REALbasic.Rect…
The used code displays a selected image in a window that have a ToolBar. All use native Xojo code. The code fails in the image Height (wrong value) and eventually image Width (also wrong value).
The code below never works:
[code] // Get the image
TempPict = Picture.Open(mFileIO.gImageFI)
// Get image size
ImgHeight = TempPict.Height
ImgWidth = TempPict.Width
// Set the Window backdrop
cImg.Backdrop = TempPict
// Clear it, I do not need it anymore
TempPict = Nil
// Set the window size
wImg.Height = ImgHeight
wImg.Width = ImgWidth
// Just in case it is needed
// Store data in myBounds
myBounds.Top = 0 + Screen(0).AvailableTop
myBounds.Left = 0
myBounds.Height = ImgHeight // The problem appears here
myBounds.Width = ImgWidth // and here too
// Set wImg to windows 0,0
wImg.Bounds = myBounds[/code]
BUT: adding the lines below set the correct heigfht (and width) of the window:
// Set the window size
wImg.Height = ImgHeight
wImg.Width = ImgWidth
BTW: the first piece of code is incomplete (here), but it works (compile and does not crash), but the window does not display the correct image height.
For me, this is a bug. But this is only me, my opinion.
The ball is in your garden: I found a workaround that fit my needs.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.