First of all, I will talk about people who are making a living developing software, but about people who share applications for free (if this always exists).
Maybe students are in the same boat (I do not know, yet). *
Beside the knowledge, to develop an applicatin you have to have
a. development software (free or paying),
b. a software to sign and notarize the generated application,
c. a digital signature you have to pay.
That will make a lot, so jobless people (and Lord knows how manu-y other categories) will have to search elsewhere, there is othing for them here.
And so are the hobbyist, those who develop solutions for their own problems (no market here, pass your lane, nothing for you too).
Now, this industry falls under the reserved employment category.
What is your feeling about this opinion ?
Are teachers reading real code or simply test their students applications ?
I started as a hobbyist. I wrote small Xojo apps to help me process large lists of data, so doing a step 1000 times was as fast as 10, but was no longer a manual process, thus saving me lots of time and brain damage. I placed some of these apps for free on the MAS. It has cost me way more than I received.
But it led me to get my first full-time salaried Xojo job. All my jobs after this have been as a contractor paid per day managing and expanding other Xojo programmer’s projects, plus lots of my own.
ie free software has a place in the learning curve, but will only become a decent living if it leads to contract work.
Most of my applications have taken a minimum of 6 months to get to version 1.0 status these are large apps. All versions after this vary in timescale depending on their needs. I work best with one other person, with them helping with UI decisions, doing the testing, user support, web site and documentation.
I tend to get bored of an application after two years, so write readable code, you may need to revisit it or pass it on. It takes a while to get your head back into your old code. Sometimes you are amazed at your younger-self’s brilliance, other times not so much! All I mean is you need to plan for a changeover of Xojo programmer.
So take your daily rate and multiply it by two people for six months at a minimum, then yearly after that, if it takes off.