I am having trouble accessing the contents of a text file that I read from the net.
It only has one number in it at the moment ‘3’ (http://www.sallyfitz.com/Sponsor.txt)
I read the file ok using a socket used elsewhere in my app
I have tried the contents of URLtext and splitting it into an array. In the debugger I can see the value 3 in the array lines(0) but when I try to parse it to integer or simply use it as text I can’t get a value.
URLText = Xojo.Core.TextEncoding.UTF16LittleEndian.ConvertDataToText(Content)
Lines() = URLText.Split(&u0A)
dim a As integer = integer.Parse(lines(0))
select case a
case 0
ImageView2.Visible = false
Label1.Visible = false
case 1
ImageView2.Image = Mypic1
case 2
ImageView2.Image = MyPic2
end select