I try to use this VLC example:https://github.com/charonn0/RB-libvlc/tree/master
I did copy the files ( libvlc.dll, libvlccore.dll, plugins in the plugins directory) as instructed but I still get error… Tried both 32 and 64 bit files with the same result…
If Not libvlc.IsAvailable Then
Dim err As New PlatformNotSupportedException
err.Message = "libvlc is not available."
' We can't find the libvlc binary or one of its dependencies. Verify that all neccesary dll/solib/dylib
' files are located in the expected directory for your environment. The easiest way to avoid this problem
' is to add a build step to your project that copies the necessary files automatically.
' See: http://docs.xojo.com/UserGuide:Build_Automation#Copy_Files
Raise err
End If
The build step link is not available unfortunately, and I have no idea what it is/how to do it
Supposedly, this is controlled by the pitch-shift and audio-filter media options, but apparently there’s a bug in libvlc where these aren’t honored.
Dim m As libvlc.Medium = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("music.mp3")
' these two lines are supposed to set the pitch, but don't due to a bug in libvlc
Dim p As New VLCPlayer
p.Media = m