RB-libvlc error on windows


I try to use this VLC example:https://github.com/charonn0/RB-libvlc/tree/master
I did copy the files ( libvlc.dll, libvlccore.dll, plugins in the plugins directory) as instructed but I still get error… Tried both 32 and 64 bit files with the same result…


What kind of error, specifically?

If Not libvlc.IsAvailable Then
  Dim err As New PlatformNotSupportedException
  err.Message = "libvlc is not available."
  ' We can't find the libvlc binary or one of its dependencies. Verify that all neccesary dll/solib/dylib
  ' files are located in the expected directory for your environment. The easiest way to avoid this problem
  ' is to add a build step to your project that copies the necessary files automatically.
  ' See: http://docs.xojo.com/UserGuide:Build_Automation#Copy_Files
  Raise err
End If

The build step link is not available unfortunately, and I have no idea what it is/how to do it


Build Automation

This should help

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Still not working… Maybe it’s and old real basic stuff not compatible with a new xojo verision(?)

No, it works in the latest versions of Xojo.

Make sure that the DLLs and your app are both either 64 bit or both 32 bit; you can’t mix them.

Managed to work, just copied all the files from VLC folder.
Is it possible to use the ‘adjust pitch’ VLC option?

Supposedly, this is controlled by the pitch-shift and audio-filter media options, but apparently there’s a bug in libvlc where these aren’t honored.

  Dim m As libvlc.Medium = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("music.mp3")
  ' these two lines are supposed to set the pitch, but don't due to a bug in libvlc
  Dim p As New VLCPlayer
  p.Media = m
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