Raw link opeing a webpage

Hi, I am struggling with a silly question. I created a raw link inside a caption in a checkbox. Basically a checkbox “I accept the terms, read it here” But using href, I cannot open webpages in a web app (or at least I don’t know how). So I created a handleurl to receive this page request and then open the webpage.

If  Request.path = "termos" then
  return true

But it seems that the handleurl does not open webpages too.

I have no idea how to proceed… creating a separated caption only for the link and showing the webpage on click was my solution, but it is a nightmare to make the label go to the right place in the checkbox caption…

Has anyone a better solution for this?

In the Session Opening event of the web app, analyze the hashtag value ( Session.HashTag). Using the HashTag value, open the corresponding Web page ( eg the web page for displaying and accepting the terms ).

The handleUrl event is at the app level. I dont think they create session so you cant display web pages there.

In the session object, you can display the web page that you want. Use hashtag as above to see which page you want to open.
