Quick way of finding the frequency of a character in a string?


What is a quick way of finding the frequency of a character in a string?

e.g. the number of the letter g in this string “What is a quick way of finding the frequency of a character in a string?”




Using the new framework (untested)

Function CountOf(extends t as Text, other as Text) As Integer dim count as Integer dim pos as Integer = t.IndexOf(other) if pos > -1 then count = count+1 pos = pos + 1 while t.IndexOf(pos,other) > -1 count = count + 1 pos = t.IndexOf(pos,other) + 1 wend end if Return count End Function

Sorry, I said Split, but I should have said CountFields. You won’t find faster.

dim count as integer = s.CountFields( "g" ) - 1