Questions - External Files & External File Format & ordering entries in the IDE

Hello all,

I have most always used external files since database classes are the same for > 1 application. Recently I have picked up Xojo again after a bit of a break. Before the break I used RB. I have found that one of my apps uses external db classes which are correct, but another app uses internal files, of the same name, for the same purpose but are not correct.

Question 1: As I recall the way to use an external file, is to drag and drop - which makes it an internal file. To set it back to an external file (and therefore update once use many) you have to “Make external” which appears to be nothing more than performing a “save as”. However there are 2 new format (the original is in RB) format). Is this the best way to do this? ie import or add external files and keep them as external?

Question 2: Which is the best format to save it in, and will the other app(s) then use this, or will I have to perform these actions on every project that uses external files?

Question 3: All of the files in question are held within a folder - both a real Windows folder, and a simulated folder in Xojo so they are grouped. Is there a way to auto sort the files within the Xojo folder automatically?

Thanks all,

Use the modifier keys when you drag the folder into your project (Ctrl-Shift-Drag on Windows) and they will be added as external files. They should also go in in the same order they are in the folder on disk - sorted by name.

Thanks Tim!