Q: Upcoming Grid control - possibility/solutions for migration from StyleGrid

I have a very old project I’d like to resurrect and bring up to date - but it uses the now obsoleted Einhugur StyleGrid control.

Is there going to be a straightforward way to modify code originally written for StyleGrid to use the new Grid object when it arrives? or will the Grid control operate in such a radically different way this couldn’t be done?

Would it be feasible for example to create a class that inherits from Grid and then wraps a collection of methods and computed properties around the Grid in order to emulate the API of the old Einhugur?

If yes to any of this - Is there a beta version of Grid available yet?

Would it be wise for XOJO devs to maybe make such a “Wrapper” class in XOJO and included it in the examples directory - once Grid is out>

xojo does not do that, user input is not accepted for new features. When anything made to the beta testing, it is already “TO LATE” to change core problems or shortcommings.

One of such changes that nobody asked for and had more problems with almost no benefit is the api 2, just the renamig by itself gives you the short answer, NO, any new control will have the “new” naming conventions of api 2, making your old code NOT compatible.

But the old control not being made by xojo, it is kind of weird to expect any kind of compatibility. :thinking:

Subclassing, sure, this is expected, but it is unknow how flexible the control is going to be to emulate the behavior of a thir party one.

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