Publish application on the Apple store

Hi, I want to publish my software on Apple Store. I purchased the software AppWrapper preparation software, but gives me these errors in “Report” form:

Code Signature: App is not Code signed
Gate Keeper validation: Rejected
is Sandboxed: App is not Code signed

I must do something before?

You need a Dev Account for the Mac App Store from Apple.
In Xcode, you need to Sync/Download your Certificates.
Then AW3 will find them and you just have to choose to sign the App for the Mac App Store.

(Currently not at my desk…)

I registered an account Mac development paid 99 €.

Xcode, i am going in preferences, I entered with my account and I have this certificates:

Mac Development
Mac App Distribution
Mac Installer Distribution
Developer Id Application
Developer Id Installer

I have to put something on the software in xojo?

No. App Wrapper should find them automatically.
In App Wrapper you need to set the “Code signature” to your App Store signature.

BTW: In App Wrappers Menu you find a “Codesigning Dignostics” function.

Codesigning Diagnostics:

Xcode is installed, version 6.3.1

Valid certificates
login/3rd Party Mac Developer Application: ********
login/Developer ID Installer: *******
login/Developer ID Application: ******
login/3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: *******
login/Mac Developer: ******

Unrecognized certificates

When public with Application Loader gives me this error:

Package Summary:

1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/9l/d1b_1g617fs9j4x626_86k740000gn/T/724B0D72-64F9-4BDA-A68A-1168F0301270/993612838.itmsp - Error Messages:
The session’s status is FAILED and the error description is ‘Client unable to connect to server (check UDP port and firewall) (15)’
ERROR ITMS-90239: “Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. The binary at path [] contains an invalid signature. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose “Clean All” in Xcode, delete the “build” directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult

what can I do?

I am not sure and hope @Sam Rowlands can help you with this.

You need to select the “3rd Party Mac Developer Application: ********”, also if App Wrapper encounters any errors they will be displayed in the Wrapping window. Do you get any errors?

I solved certifying before with the command:

codesign -s -f “3rd Party Mac Developer Application: ****************” “”

and then add in AppWrapper

Now I have the problem that in the account for publishing your application you do not see me the icon.
I inserted the icon on AppWrapper and ticked the “Only on Buid”.

what can I do?

[quote=187373:@Stefano Basile]Now I have the problem that in the account for publishing your application you do not see me the icon.
I inserted the icon on AppWrapper and ticked the “Only on Buid”.

what can I do?[/quote]

If you talk about the iTunes Connect Account, you need to upload the App by using the Application Loader App to iTunes Connect. then wait a few minutes before adding the Binary for publishing.
After you have done all that, it can take a few more minutes until the Icon shows up in iTunes Connect. They use a timed caching.

[quote=187372:@Stefano Basile]I solved certifying before with the command:

codesign -s -f “3rd Party Mac Developer Application: ****************” “”

and then add in AppWrapper[/quote]

Why would you sign on the command line and then proceed with App Wrapper ?