Provisioning Profile is necessary for iOS

This driving me nuts. I keep getting a ‘Provisioning Profile is necessary for iOS’ message.

Using XOJO 2014 r3.1; MAC OS X 10.10.1

I have:

  1. Ensured that the development profiles exist.
  2. The profiles are managed by Xcode (6.1.1) and show correctly in the detail account window.
  3. Have logged out of Xcode and logged back in to ensure proper refresh.
  4. Team is properly specified in XOJO.

What do I do/look for now?


Can you share the list of profiles that Xcode shows, as well as the Bundle Identifier you are using for your Xojo iOS app?

I am banging my head on the wall with that identifier thing. When I go into App Dev and try to create a new identifier, I cannot simply create com.myapp.whatever. I have to use a prefix like 6Q8KY5J3AB. So now should I put into my project Bundle Identifier, or simply com.myapp.whatever and assume the prefix is added automatically.

Your bundle identifier and your Apple Identifier should be of the form com.mycompany.appname. Also, you should create a wildcard profile for com.mycompany.* for new projects until you get the identifier locked down.

For example, here are my BRU product identifiers:

Responding specifically to @Tony Marino - you may need to redownload and reinstall your certificates and profiles. Mine had gotten very messed up at one point when I updated from Xcode 5.x to Xcode 6. Reinstalling solved the problems here.

You can also make a single profile using a full wildcard app ID (just *) and be fine for any of your apps. This is now Apple’s new default rather than per-app identifiers.

What I do not get is if I must enter the prefix in the app Bundle Identifier when I have selected *.

No, the prefix is an internal Apple identifier. It’s unrelated/not required as far as your naming/Bundle Identifier is concerned.

I have done what you said, and now everything is working. Thank you Travis :slight_smile:

After many tries I finally got it working.
For the wildcard ID does not work. Xoxo kept asking for the Provisioning Profile.
Until I saw the screenshot of Tim. All his apps uses a full identifiers : com.mycompany.appname
And this worked for me too.

So if you cannot get it working, try adding an app ID without the wildcard. That worked for me.

[quote=154068:@Christoph De Vocht]After many tries I finally got it working.
For the wildcard ID does not work. Xoxo kept asking for the Provisioning Profile.
Until I saw the screenshot of Tim. All his apps uses a full identifiers : com.mycompany.appname
And this worked for me too.

So if you cannot get it working, try adding an app ID without the wildcard. That worked for me.[/quote]

Funny : I just experienced the opposite. I was stuck until I dropped any pretension to use a full fledged identifier, dumped all ill formed provisional profiles using that, and went straight for wildcard only :wink:

Seems like there’s confusion between different things. The Bundle Identifier of your app should be a full complete name.

But the App ID/profile on the iOS portal can be wildcard (*), then you never have to worry or change as you work through different apps.

Odd, with a wildcard I just could not get it working (and boy, did I try a lot of times). :slight_smile:

Anyhow, I think the documentation with the step-by-step isn’t very clear on this. Some steps aren’t even fully explained.
This needs a better documentation with more screenshots.

Just my two cents…

[quote=154078:@Christoph De Vocht]Anyhow, I think the documentation with the step-by-step isn’t very clear on this. Some steps aren’t even fully explained.
This needs a better documentation with more screenshots.[/quote]


There should be precise examples of what to do, with the content each field should have in both the IDE, and in the app information about in iTunes Connect where the identifier is needed. I am still not sure.

I wasted my all day on that :frowning:

Michel - don’t feel too bad over a day. When we started with an Xcode app and the App Store back in the day, it took us over a week to get our profiles sorted. And that was WITH Apple’s help!

[quote=154078:@Christoph De Vocht]Anyhow, I think the documentation with the step-by-step isn’t very clear on this. Some steps aren’t even fully explained.
This needs a better documentation with more screenshots.[/quote]
You’re probably right but, to be fair, this can be a complicated procedure regardless of whether you’re using Xojo or not. It’s been a pain in the *** for me for years.

What I did was revoke ALL iOS data, then recreate and use the wildcard * as Travis recommended.

Thanks Travis.


BTW: would still like to know what caused this between 3.0 and 3.1