If any progressive listbox to fill 20,000 on web and then look the data to find any record
You really don’t want to put 20,000 rows in a WebListbox. It will be really slow. Think about ‘paging’ your data using LIMIT and OFFSET in your SQL queries.
Go idea but how i can search for any record on the db and fill the listbox
What database are you using?
You might be able to use LIKE to return rows that contains your search text.
i use PostgreSQL and sqlite
so the idea is to fill the ListBox with mach record of the use enter and continue to refresh the listbox.
if any simple code to get start.
Pseudo code.
Dim sql as String
Dim ps as PostgreSQLPreparedStatement
Dim rs as RecordSet
sql = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM people ILIKE $1 ORDER BY firstname DESC"
ps = PostgreSQLPreparedStatement(Session.pgDB.Prepare(sql))
ps.Bind(0, "%" + Trim(searchText) + "%")
rs = ps.SQLSelect()
That would return all firstname that contains the “searchText” string. Case Insensitive(ILIKE). Case Sensitive(LIKE).
This is just written here and not tested
On top of this you would also include LIMIT and OFFSET as Bob suggested.