I have been working on my old custom desktop progress bar, “Progression Gauge”, that I made long ago and had discontinued. Now I have a demo up, if anyone would like to try it out. Right now it will only work in IDE. I haven’t decided if it will be free or not yet.
Its been tested on Mac OS 13.6 and Windows 10.
Don’t have documentation for it yet but its pretty straight forward.
You should use Canvas and not DesktopCanvas for more compatibility if you’re trying to reach a wider audience. There are currently no benefits to the Desktop-prefixed-controls, and some of us refuse to touch them until Xojo themselves make an announcement that the IDE has been entirely rewritten to use them.
Other suggestions include using an Enumeration for bar types instead of magic numbers, and the ability to draw this into something like a Listbox during a Paint event.
Your link is http and not https, Chrome users will not be able to download it directly as downloading http link from a https page is not allowed. If your site can handle https, is better to post https link.
Ah I see. Yeah when I first made this it was back in Real Studio days and at that time time was aimed at desktop apps. I’ll see about changing it to just canvas. Though I can only test for Mac and Windows.
I haven’t used enumeration before… I think I see how to do it.
Also how would I add the ability to draw it into something ?