Has anybody worked out how to programmatically select a TabBar tab? In my TabBar app, my first tab is a “Dashboard” with a summary of the key items requiring attention on the other tabs. If a user taps one of the Dashboard items, I want to switch tabs to one of the other tabs. I can see that Views have a ParentTabBar but this only has an AddTab method and a handle. (FYI I have an outstanding case for this <https://xojo.com/issue/36718> but I was hoping there might be a workaround for now).
I have this code at application level
Sub goTabPage(idx as integer,doReset as Boolean=False)
if idx<0 then Return
Declare Function NSClassFromString lib "Foundation"(cls as CFStringRef) as Ptr
Declare function sharedApplication_ lib "UIKit" selector "sharedApplication"(cls_ptr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim shAppPtr as Ptr=sharedApplication_(NSClassFromString("UIApplication"))
Declare function keyWindow_ lib "UIkit" selector "keyWindow"(app_ptr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim keyWinPtr as Ptr=keyWindow_(shAppPtr)
Declare Function rootWiewController_ lib "UIKit" selector "rootViewController"(winPtr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim rootWiewControllerPtr as Ptr=rootWiewController_(keyWinPtr)
Declare Function isMemberOfClass_ lib "foundation" selector "isMemberOfClass:"(oPtr as Ptr,cPtr as Ptr) as Boolean
dim a as ptr=NSClassFromString("UITabBarController")
if isMemberOfClass_(rootWiewControllerPtr,NSClassFromString("UITabBarController")) then
Declare sub setSelectedIndex lib "UIKIT" selector "setSelectedIndex:"(tbPtr as Ptr,page as UInteger)
if doReset then
Declare Function selectedViewController_ lib "UIKIT" selector "selectedViewController"(oPtr as ptr) as Ptr
dim navPtr as Ptr=selectedViewController_(rootWiewControllerPtr)
Declare Sub popToRoot lib "UIKIT" selector "popToRootViewControllerAnimated:"(oPtr as Ptr,animated as Boolean)
end if
end if
End Sub
and it works
[quote=157150:@Antonio Rinaldi]I have this code at application level
Sub goTabPage(idx as integer,doReset as Boolean=False)
if idx<0 then Return
Declare Function NSClassFromString lib "Foundation"(cls as CFStringRef) as Ptr
Declare function sharedApplication_ lib "UIKit" selector "sharedApplication"(cls_ptr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim shAppPtr as Ptr=sharedApplication_(NSClassFromString("UIApplication"))
Declare function keyWindow_ lib "UIkit" selector "keyWindow"(app_ptr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim keyWinPtr as Ptr=keyWindow_(shAppPtr)
Declare Function rootWiewController_ lib "UIKit" selector "rootViewController"(winPtr as Ptr) as Ptr
dim rootWiewControllerPtr as Ptr=rootWiewController_(keyWinPtr)
Declare Function isMemberOfClass_ lib "foundation" selector "isMemberOfClass:"(oPtr as Ptr,cPtr as Ptr) as Boolean
dim a as ptr=NSClassFromString("UITabBarController")
if isMemberOfClass_(rootWiewControllerPtr,NSClassFromString("UITabBarController")) then
Declare sub setSelectedIndex lib "UIKIT" selector "setSelectedIndex:"(tbPtr as Ptr,page as UInteger)
if doReset then
Declare Function selectedViewController_ lib "UIKIT" selector "selectedViewController"(oPtr as ptr) as Ptr
dim navPtr as Ptr=selectedViewController_(rootWiewControllerPtr)
Declare Sub popToRoot lib "UIKIT" selector "popToRootViewControllerAnimated:"(oPtr as Ptr,animated as Boolean)
end if
end if
End Sub
and it works ;)[/quote]
Antonio, you genius !
It works fine in a module as well, and will now save me some rather cumbersome pushto
Thank you so much.
I have added a comment to <https://xojo.com/issue/36718> to refer to this post. I am going to add that to the wrapper, but I think it really ought to be part of Xojo. PushTo simply does not cut it when tabs are concerned.
Yes, thank you very much Antonio.
That code works perfectly. I created my first iOS game app last night and had that exact problem, jumping to a different tab View after pressing a button on a different View now solved! Thank you.