Problem with Serial Read

Have you tried creating the memoryblock outside the DataAvailable event and just reafingAll into that memoryblock and doing all the post-processing outside the DataAvailable event? I would perhaps define two global blocks where you store your incoming data and post-processed data, and you have a timer that does the post-processing. That way the DataAvailable event just reads the buffer into your block and then the timer processes it. You could even implement a ring or circular buffer.

You have this but I don’t see where any data read into InByteTemp is copied elsewhere. It goes out of scope at the end of DataAvailable.

I think he was just using the debugger with this.
He could try to see if there is actual a debugger bug:

System.Debuglog EncodeHex(InByteTemp,true)

To see if this outputs in the debug messages panel

I did try making the MemoryBlocks global - no difference.

There is additional code below what I’ve posted where the InByteTemp gets used/copied. I didn’t post it because it’s irrelevant to the problem at hand.

I will give that a try and also will try compiling the code to see if the error goes away. I’ve only run this in the debugger so far. Thanks for the tip.

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