Problem with MacHIDMBS


I am trying to write an app to receive outputs from a Griffin PowerMate. To that end I have written the method FindPowerMate as follows:

Dim h as New MacHIDMBS
dim p as string

if h.FindFirstDevice then
if p=“Griffin PowerMate” then
Return h
end if

while h.FindNextDevice
  if p="Griffin PowerMate" then
    Return h
  end if

end if

and the following code in the Open event:

Dim m as MacHIDMBS

m = FindPowerMate

MsgBox "Open: m.Product = " + m.Product

Dim ReportID As Integer = 1
Dim reportType As Integer = 1
Dim length As Integer = 1
Dim msg As String

// msg = MacHIDMBS.ReadMessage(ReportID, reportType, length)

This code works nicely, the MsgBox reporting “Griffin PowerMate”.

However, if I add the last line to the code, I get a compiler error to the effect that MacHIDMBS.RaedMessage does not exist, - in spite of MBS Version 14.3 (and also 14.4 beta) are being employed. (And OS X 10.10).

Could anybody please point out where I go wrong.

Thanks in advance,


ReadMessage is listed here for me, but you should better use the events for better performance.

Being a newbie I have to ask: which events?


see docs

There is a ReceivedData event.