Hi group, I have this problem. I would like to save an image by reading the Path from a file via a function ReadFileLineOfText(3), which returns a string read from a text file. Based on this I would like to set the path to “file” which is a FolderItem. I wanted to write file= ReadFileLineOfText(3) but of course it gives me an error.
P.S: The path in a file is C:\Users\test\OneDrive\Desktop\Image_TEST\
dim file as FolderItem
if LeggiRigoFileDiTesto(3)="" then
msgbox " Il File verrà salvato temporaneamente in " + file.NativePath + " Si consiglia di impostare una PATH nel file config."
msgbox " Il File verrà salvato in " + LeggiRigoFileDiTesto(3)+"test.jpg"
end if
DeviceManager.GetImageDialog(self, DeviceType, flags, intent, file, root)