I frequently have moved my Pro license from one machine to another. But now after I have deactivated on one machine, I get an error message saying there was a redirection problem when I try to sign in on a different machine. Cookies are enabled for both Firefox and Chrome and I have set both as default browser. My Pro license has expired, but I have an active Web license. Is there a workaround other than taking the source code to the machine that still has an active license?
Did you deactivate on the Xojo website, under Manage License?
There is also a License download feature on the above webpage, which you can then add to your local Xojo install under the menu option Xojo > License keys…
That sounds like something that happens on much older versions of Xojo. What version are you trying to run?
If you did deactivate properly, and you are running a recent version, then I suggest contacting hello@xojo.com They’re usually pretty responsive to license issues.
I did deactivate on the original machine and the Xojo website showed only one machine active. But when I went to the original machine, the license was still active and I was able to compile an app. Deactivated again, but still couldn’t transfer to the new machine. Tried using the download again and this time it appears to have worked. A big part of my problem was that I was trying to download it to a release that came out after the Pro license expired, a version I only use for web apps. The initial deactivation must have failed because the version I used could not access that license.