Print to PDF --> View with Preview --> Save…

When I :frowning:
a. print
b. to pdf
c. Open with Preview
d. Save the document in preview

I get this in the window’s title (c) and the same in the Save As dialog):

The left part (of the —) is the data base file name (with File Extension)
the right part (of the —) is the path to where the above document resides.

Is it possible to set my own value, say
“Caritas ” + Now.SQLDate + “.pdf”

Nota: I do not have a Windows machine handly, so I cannot say for Windows, but I will want the same for Windows

This happens with Xojo 2015r1 thru the current version (2022r1.1)
This project was developed with the last Real Studio version and released with Xojo 2013r1. Current code is generated with Xojo 2015r1.