I want to print the content of a listbox. The method that I am using is saving all listbox content into a textarea, then I print.
dim i as integer
for i=0 to listBox1.listcount-1
TextOut.writeline listBox1.cell(i,0)+" "+listBox1.cell(i,2)+chr(9)+chr(9)+listBox1.cell(i,4)
TextOut.Writeline " "
TextOut.Writeline "================================"
TextOut.Writeline " "
TextOut.Writeline " "
TextOut.Writeline Label27.text
TextOut.Writeline Chr(9)+" Total "
TextOut.Writeline Chr(9)+" Pajak 11%"
TextOut.Writeline Chr(9)+" "
TextOut.Writeline Chr(9)+" Service Chg"
there are two problem from this code,
the output looks ugly because the total (numbers) alignment is not proper, and using chr(9) is not help much when the item name has different length.
is there any other solution to print the content of listbox.?