You guys make it sound like fishing for perch!
Yeah, but with air conditioning and a comfortable chair.
Works just fine here with MySQL on my RPi with following snippet in a Button pressed event:
Var db As New MySQLCommunityServer
db.Host = ""
db.Port = 3306
db.DatabaseName = "test"
db.UserName = "root"
db.Password = "only4me"
' Use the database
Var row As New DatabaseRow
Var pk As Integer = 0
' ID will be updated automatically
row.Column("name") = "Richard Klingler"
row.Column("street") = "Irgendeinestrasse 1a"
row.Column("city") = "City"
row.Column("zip") = "55555"
pk = db.AddRow("users", row)
MessageBox("Got primary key ID: " + Str(pk))
Catch error As DatabaseException
MessageBox("DB Error: " + error.Message)
End Try
Catch error As DatabaseException
' DB Connection error
End Try
Always MessageBox pops up with incremented ID.
In Navicat I did quickly set the DB up like:
When you have that database exception error…which error number does it show?
I have in my example changed the database to a name that doesn’t exists and then it gives:
Now click on the DatabaseException link, and then you’ll see the error number and further description:
Wondering though why the exception handler didn’t trigger, but just crashes and you have to resume processing.
Richard, I typed this code in with my db info, and it DOES work, so interesting. Your method is a bit different than in Xojo documentation (well, sort of, referencing the addrow(a,b,c) with 3 parameters) -but I’ll run with it! Thanks for sticking with it, wow, I really appreciate it!
Oops…forgot that one…but it also works for me with:
pk = db.AddRow("users", row, "id")
MessageBox("Got primary key ID: " + Str(pk))
Catch error As DatabaseException
MessageBox("DB Error: " + error.Message)
End Try
Just tested quickly with PostgreSQL 15.
Works as well, but it only allows to return columns of type Integer.
Though PSQL can return anything you want, like:
insert into users (name, street, zip, city)
values ('Richard Klingler', 'Somestreet 1', 7707, 'Some Smalltown')
returning id, name || ', ' || zip || ' ' || city as entry
id, entry
8, Richard Klingler, 7707 Smalltown