Predicates for EventStore

I’m using MBS’s eventStore and reminder classes which seem to work well. EventStore includes some pre-defined predicates, but they don’t meet my purpose efficiently.
I’d like to add a new Predicate that just extracts reminders from within a particular calendar and after a particular modifiedDate but can’t see how to do it.
I’ve read through Apple’s Predicate manual but I’m afraid that leaves me in the dark.
When I test something crude like the following

dim v() as variant v.append ekCal.calendarIdentifier dim p as new nsPredicateMBS("calendarIdentifier=%@", v)
I get errors telling me the predicate wasn’t built for the eventStore.
Can anyone provide me with some pointers?

As far as I know the event store only operates on predicates it built.

method predicateForIncompleteRemindersWithDueDate(startDate as date, endDate as date, calendars() as EKCalendarMBS) as NSPredicateMBS

this method may help to get only the incomplete reminders. endDate can be a few years in future.

Thanks Christian - that’s what I feared.

I’m trying to sync reminders with events in my app - so just wanted those that have been modified.

It looks like on an eventStore.changed event I have to download all reminders for particular calendars and then individually identify which have changed by their modified date.

I guess the processing has to happen somewhere, but thought it would be quicker using predicates rather than in Xojo.

you can of course google for tips for Objective C or Swift and maybe I can adapt something.

But yes, you may need to load them all and check modified timestamp.