Popup Menu Icon Position

I’m using the MacOSLib code below to have icons inside a popup menu. The problem I have is that my menu displays hierarchic items. Using the code below, all the icons appear on the very left of the menu. Is there any way to get them to indent, or make them part of the menu item string?

I thought I could use setImagePositon, but there doesn’t seem to be a constant for it.


[code] #if TargetCocoa

declare function menu lib CocoaLib selector "menu" (obj_id as Integer) as Ptr
declare function itemAtIndex lib CocoaLib selector "itemAtIndex:" (obj_id as Ptr, index as Integer) as Ptr
declare sub setImage lib CocoaLib selector "setImage:" (obj_id as Ptr, menuImage as Ptr)
declare sub setSize lib CocoaLib selector "setSize:" (obj_id as Ptr, aSize as Cocoa.NSSize)

dim m as Ptr = menu(p.Handle)
dim item as Ptr = itemAtIndex(m, index)

const MenuIconSize = 16

dim size as Cocoa.NSSize
size.Width = MenuIconSize
size.Height = MenuIconSize
setSize(value, size)
setImage(item, value)


#pragma unused p
#pragma unused index
#pragma unused value
