I am using a textarea to display lines of text. As a line is added I want the user to see the last line added.
how is this acheived.
You may move the Cursor or insert the line at the top of the TextArea.
In both cases, TextArea&.SelectionStart is/can be the answer:
Use VerticalScrollPosition and large Number to scroll to the last/highest Line and as @Emile_Schwarz wrote, SelectionStart to place the Cursor.
You can use SelectionStart / SelectionLength
Var tx As String
Var tx_DerniereLigne As String
Var sel_Debut As Integer
tx = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To 50
tx = tx + "Bonjour mes amis. "
TextArea1.Text = tx + EndOfLine
sel_Debut = TextArea1.Text.Length
tx_DerniereLigne = "Aujourd'hui il fait beau"
TextArea1.Text = TextArea1.Text + tx_DerniereLigne
TextArea1.SelectionStart = sel_Debut
TextArea1.SelectionLength = tx_DerniereLigne.Length