Picture in a WebListBox with dataSource

I have an app showing a list of audio tracks into a WebListBox, the List is loaded from database using a dataSource.
All is working fine, and I have been able also to draw a Picture in a cell with the album cover.

I have done it this way, the code is in the RowData method of the dataSource:

Var stcop As new WebStyle
stcop.Value(“background-image”) = “url(”“”+session.pathCopertine + rs.Column(“ca_logo”).StringValue+“”“)”
stcop.Value(“background-repeat”) = “no-repeat”
stcop.Value(“background-position”) = “center”
rendcop = new WebListBoxStyleRenderer(stcop,“”)
row.Value(“immCopertina”) = rendcop

All works fine, except that when a row is selected, the select color ‘covers’ the picture…

so two questions:

  1. if the WebListBox has a dataSource, is it possible to store somewere the cover path, or I must necessarily do a query using the track id stored on the row Tag every time a track is selected to retrieve it?

  2. Having in some way the cover path, how can I redraw the cell on the SelectionChanged event?

Thank you!

I have posted much simpler question pertaining to WebListbox with DataSource, I want to change background color of the cell, so far no luck.

However, I think you could store the cover path in the Tag of the row inside RowData method.
I store primary and foreign keys as comma separated list in the Tag, then I can access them when selecting row (read the tag string and parse it). I think you could do the same for the cover path. This is how RowData looks:

Var rows() As WebListboxRowData

If mQuery.Length = 0 Or mQueryCount = 0 Then
  Return rows
End If

mLastSortColumnStr = pSortColumnStr
mLastRowOffset = rowOffset // 2024.07.31 <gp> added

  Var vPos As Integer
  Var sql As String 
  sql = mQuery
  vPos = sql.IndexOf("ORDER BY")
  If vPos > 0 Then
    sql = sql.Middle(0,vPos)
  End If
  If pSortColumnStr.Length > 0 Then
    //sql = sql + " ORDER BY " + pSortColumnStr
    sql = sql + " ORDER BY " + pSortColumnStr + ", id asc"
    sql = sql + " ORDER BY id asc"
  End If
  sql = sql + " LIMIT " + Str(RowCount) + " OFFSET " + Str(RowOffset)
  Var rs As RowSet
  If mParamArray.LastIndex = -1 Then
    rs = Session.db.SelectSQL(sql)
  ElseIf mParamArray.LastIndex = 0 Then
    rs = Session.db.SelectSQL(sql,mParamArray(0))
  ElseIf mParamArray.LastIndex = 1 Then
    rs = Session.db.SelectSQL(sql,mParamArray(0),mParamArray(1))
  ElseIf mParamArray.LastIndex = 2 Then
    rs = Session.db.SelectSQL(sql,mParamArray(0),mParamArray(1),mParamArray(2))
  ElseIf mParamArray.LastIndex = 3 Then
    rs = Session.db.SelectSQL(sql,mParamArray(0),mParamArray(1),mParamArray(2),mParamArray(3))
  End If
  Var vColumnDataStr As String
  Var vColumnDataStrArray() As String
  Var vFldName As String
  Var i As Integer
  Var vMyTag As String
  rs.MoveToFirstRow // 2024.07.31 <gp> added
  While Not rs.AfterLastRow
    Var row As New WebListBoxRowData
    vMyTag = ""
    For i = 0 To mColumnDataArray.LastIndex 
      vColumnDataStr = mColumnDataArray(i)
      vColumnDataStrArray = vColumnDataStr.ToArray(",")
      vFldName = vColumnDataStrArray(1) 
      If vColumnDataStrArray(0) = "pk" Then
        row.PrimaryKey = rs.Column(vFldName).StringValue.ToInteger
      ElseIf vColumnDataStrArray(0) = "tag" Then
        // may use it for something but do not show on page
        Var vValue As String
        vValue = rs.Column(vFldName)
        If vMyTag.Length = 0 Then
          vMyTag = vValue
          vMyTag = vMyTag + "," + vValue
        End If
        Var vValue As String
        vValue = rs.Column(vFldName)
        row.Value(vFldName) = vValue
        //row.Value(vFldName) = rs.Column(vFldName).StringValue
      End If
    row.Tag = vMyTag
  Return rows
Catch ex As DatabaseException
End Try

Return rows