Normally a lot of software and websites have a little eyeball to show dots or plain text. Does the built in password field have a property to do this? Thank you!
I use an ordinary DesktopTextfield, and the MouseEnter, MouseExit events. The user hovers the mouse over the field, and after one second the password is shown. The two events are:
Sub MouseEnter
// Delay showing the password.
timer.CallLater (1000, AddressOf showhidePassword, False)
End Sub
Sub MouseExit
// Cancel the showing of the password, and delay hiding it.
timer.CancelCallLater (AddressOf showhidePassword) // Prevents flicker
timer.CallLater (1000, AddressOf showhidePassword, True)
End Sub
Sub showhidePassword (sethide As Variant)
if (acctspassword=Nil) then Return
acctspassword.Password = sethide
End Sub
Works well.
Edit: See Timer in the docs.
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huh, when I control + F’d on the docs screen it didn’t highlight the password property… Thanks for the solution!