ParseJSON - Differences for Double Values

I see different results after parsing a JSON file (using ParseJSON) with following double values:





Can anyone tell if this is a bug or if it is automatically rounded due to the length of the decimal point? Are the double values too long after the decimal point?

Double is by definition not precise so this could happen. Perhaps an engineer could let you know if this could be a bug or not.

But note that with doubles you won’t get the exact values you expect mostly.

In fact for paper sizes, you may as well be storing these as integer sizes, that’s how they are defined.
A1 paper is 594 x 841

I’d say it was a bug, the original double seems to be being changed into something shorter.



Do they crop it to 32-bit float instead of 64-bit double?


It looks like its being converted to a single.

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Works JSONMBS class in with MBS Xojo Util Plugin:

and the ToString outputs it like this:

	"pgSz":	{
		"w":	597.60000000000002274,
		"h":	842.39999999999997726

As you see we preserve the digits.

Sounds logical. I‘ll create a feedback case.

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